Max Cafe - World is Just a click Away

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    "World is Just a click away"

Last revision: 31st July 2011

"When we are motivated by goals that have deep meaning, by dreams that need completion, by pure love that needs expressing, then we truly live life."

Welcome - work, you're welcome to it

Hi, I'm Manoj Kumar Pradhan and welcome to "MAX CYBER CAFE 'N' COMPUTER SOLUTIONS" Thank you for visiting. I started this business over 4 years ago. Throughout the years, I have learned a great deal about being an entrepreneur and running a small business. When the Internet boom began, I was intrigued by a similar idea in IRC VILLAGE Bhubaneswar called MAX CYBER CAFE 'N' COMPUTER SOLUTIONS, which as far as I know was the very first Internet cafe for its uniqueness in Bhubaneswar. Back then nothing existed in Bhubaneswar, but several individuals like myself were busy raising money. In January 2006, when we opened our first location on the IRC Village, Nayapalli, Bhubaneswar. Today, there are thousands of Internet cafes and hot spots all over the world and the demand for public Internet access keeps growing geometrically.

As one would except, Internet cafes come in all shapes and sizes: some have over 1,000 computers, others just one; some offer a full menu and some no food or beverages at all; and some provide a large variety of printing and peripheral services, whilst others do not. So what makes CYBERCAFE different? Well, we put a big emphasis on service. Right from the beginning, we believed that technology is only as good as the people supporting it. And for public Internet access this means providing a friendly and knowledgeable staff who can help you with almost any technical question. In addition, we designed CYBERCAFE to be very comforting. The special feature is that you learn computer courses @ lowest cost. Our aim to spread computer litreacy among the people & this is the way or place where you can easliy intrecat with different age group of people & also different sector of people. At CYBERCAFE, you can check your email,networking site, video conferencing,scanning, Dtp, printing and also last but not least we also providing all types of computer services like System Installation, Computer maintenance, AMC , Upgradation, Antivirus upgradation & installation, OS installation etc. My purpose here is to supply Service and guidance relating to technical issues.

I have always believed that the combination of a unique, friendly atmosphere and superb service is essential to the growth of public Internet facilities .As well as spread the computer literacy among the people. The last 4 years have been so much fun and I hope you will enjoy the MAXCAFE experience as much as I do. Thank you again! and hopefully gain further high degree of experience in accessibility, optimisation. See Services if you're interested. My main aims are to:

  • Spreading Computer Literacy (SCL) , which are fast, rich and usable, to learn.
  • Raise awareness within students, or general peoples with their uses of the computers.
  • Direct students,visitors to information and resources on benefits of computer education.
  • Influence policy within institutions to positively effect of computer education across the public & students.
  • Educate and inform students and peoples of the benefits that optimised learning of computers brings new era of digital life.

It's a fact of life. Computers will have problems. We all know it and rue the day it will happen to us, yet computers are such a critical part of our lives that we can't get rid of them. So whether your computers get infected with viruses, process too slowly, or just go blank for no reason, we will be there to get you back on track

While there are many places that can fix a computer, MAX CYBER CAFE 'N' COMPUER SOLUTIONS stands out from the crowd with our exceptional customer service. When you contact us, you'll meet a group of highly skilled technicians, trained in computer repair and wireless networking, and focused on treating you with respect. We show up for our appointments, on time and ready to work, and if you're not completely satisfied with our service, we'll rework your issue again - for free. *

We can help you with Upgrades, Maintenance, Networking, Troubleshooting,Webhosting and Server. Please contact us at +91-98437123082-GO-ALL-NERDS and let us cater to your needs.. Thank you again!

New Website launched! Check it out and give us your feedback. We'd love to know if there are areas that could be improved to better help you. If you're not completely satisfied with you service, MAX CYBER CAFE 'N' COMPUER SOLUTIONS! will go back and rework out any system bugs. MAX CYBER CAFE 'N' COMPUER SOLUTIONS! will cover the time expense for our customer, less than or equal to the original amount of time spent on the problem.

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